Saturday, July 13, 2013

Seidio Convert Combo Case

Last year I broke the screen of my LG P999 smartphone. I was attempting to lift the phone from the table and lost my grip..... The digitizer still worked and I did use it for over a year. Last month, the phone itself went nuts and I had to bite the bullet and get myself a new phone.

I opted for the Google-LG Nexus 4, but this time decided to drop some coin on better protection for the unit.

I purchased the Seidio Convert Combo case which is essentially 2 cases in one with holster than can clip on to a pocket or be attached to a belt. The slim case, called the surface a slim hard case with an integral 'kick' stand. This offers basic protection in what I like to call 'party mode'. It offers fall protection, but leaves the screen still vulnerable.

Th second skin is a 2.5mm thick silicone cover that offers better fall & bump protection. It projects 2 mm proud of the screen offering far better protection than the 'surface'.

Finally a plastic 'exoskeleton' fits over the silicone skin holding the skin snug and protecting the corners from any severe falls. A nice touch are the various rubber flaps covering the USB, camera and headphone jacks. The kick stand is also accessible through all three covers.

A belt holster is included to hold the phone on your belt with the screen facing inward.

Lets see how this holds up to my work.


If you are looking for solutions for your home, contact us about our design, build & decorate services.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Camping Balls

It's always good to have an additional set of balls when camping. Not the ones that generate that oh so required testosterone, but these ones....

I took a used softball (courtesy +jb baptista) and drilled a 13 mm hole right through. I then inserted a length of rope with knots at both ends that hold the ball and rope together.

This will make slinging ropes through the trees an easier task.


If you are looking for solutions for your home, contact us about our design, build & decorate services.
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